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Sea of Grass

We are selling four daughters out of one of the best donor dams to grace our pastures who is now a donor for Upstream; SHF Oksana 001A D03.

These daughters will sell in our spring sale March 22 with a heifer calf at side. Any of these four females would be an incredible addition to your herd.


SHF Oksana B413 H334 is AI bred 05/20/2024 to SHF Houston D287 H086

This cow may have as much genetic potential as any female we have ever owned.  Her sire is Validated the true carcass value bull of the breed. H334 in her own right has appearance, data, and genetics to take your program to a level few can achieve.


SHF Oksana D287 H322 is pasture bred 06/09/2024 to Birdwell Long Run 35E 7098 1665

This daybreak daughter is a full sister to herd sire SHF Headstrong. She has earned her spot as a top tiered donor female here at SHF. 

SHF Oksana B413 H060 is AI bred 04/30/2024 to SHF Houston D287 H086

This cow is a genetic powerhouse. Study her pedigree, her EPD profile, her weaning and yearling ratio on her progeny. Some of the top SHF cattle stem from cattle in this pedigree.


SHF Oksana E156 H336 is pasture bred 05/15/2024 to Birdwell Long Run 35E 7098 1665

She is sired by Everstone. He will sire performance, quality udders with females that raise big calves. Many breeders could use the genetic potential of this female.